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BDVA — Big Data Visual Analytics

22nd September 2015 - 25th September 2015
Hobart, Australia


In the last decade Big Data Analytics has become a major decision support factor in industry and government organisations. Visual Analytics is the enabling science for effective exploration of big data through meaningful visualisations and interactive user interfaces. Understanding the multidisciplinary nature, including user querying, powerful analytics, machine learning, visualisation, human-computer interaction, perception and cognition, is critical for Big Data Visual Analytics to be effectively deployed. The International Symposium on Big Data Visual Analytics (BDVA) will be the first of of its kind with the aims to: - bringing together leading experts from all relevant scientific domains to advance the understanding of visual analytics of complex, big, and dynamic data; - providing an exciting venue for researchers to network and establish national and international collaborations; and - providing early career scientists with an inspiring event allowing them to connect to relevant experts in the field.

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