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SRDS — Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems

28th September 2015 - 1st October 2015
Montreal, Canada


The Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems is a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in distributed systems design, development and evaluation, particularly with emphasis on reliability, availability, safety, security, trust and real-time. We welcome Research Papers describing original research as well as design, development and experimental results of operational systems, and Practical Experience Reports describing on-going industrial projects, prototype systems and exploratory or emerging applications Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: - Autonomic, pervasive and ubiquitous computing - Cloud computing and virtualization: X-as-a-Service - Dependability of distributed databases and transaction processing - Dependability of distributed multimedia systems - Dependable communication networks, QoS control and assessment - Dependable cooperative mobile systems: ad hoc networks, sensor networks, robot networks - Distributed algorithms - Distributed objects and middleware systems - Experimental or analytical evaluations of dependable distributed systems - Fault-tolerance, reliability, availability in distributed systems - Formal methods and foundations for dependable distributed computing - High-assurance and safety-critical distributed system design and evaluation - Internet-based systems and applications - Parallel and distributed operating systems - Privacy-assuring large scale data management systems - Resilience in distributed infrastructures (vehicular networks, power grids, etc.) - Secure and trusted distributed systems - Dependability in cyberphysical systems and internet-of-things

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