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UCC — International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing

7th December 2015 - 10th December 2015
Limassol, Cyprus


Cloud Computing delivers computational resources on-demand as services that are commoditized and delivered analogous to traditional utilities such as electricity, gas, water and telephony. Cloud service offerings for compute, storage and communication resources as well as for hosted software and data are growing at a tremendous rate, and it is essential to understand how to effectively transform these services into Utilities that provide value to both users and providers. There is also increasing interest from commercial providers to offer business and revenue models around the services they offer. Understanding how these models could be used to provide utility for users, intermediary brokers (aggregators) and providers is also an area of active research. UCC is the premier IEEE/ACM conference covering all areas related to Cloud Computing as a Utility and provides an international forum for leading researchers and practitioners in this important and growing field. UCC will happen as Cloud providers worldwide add new services and increase Cloud utility at an accelerated pace, and Cloud service users explore new usage modes.

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