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ECCH2020 — The European Conference on Controversies in Huntington's Disease

13th February 2020 - 14th February 2020
Vienna, Austria


The present conference aims to increase the awareness and interest around main aspects and address controversial questions about Huntington’s Disease, a genetic disabling disorder. One of the largest databases in the world is dedicated to the disease, so the knowledge about clinical phenotypes is going into progressive increase, thanks to a huge number of clinicians and researchers around the world. Nowadays, novel disease-modifying treatments are under human experimentation, and they could represent the possible starting of a new era in HD management. Talks will be dedicated to controversial issues as regards to the presymptomatic phase , reliable biomarkers and the utility or not of predictive test in view of the new pharmacologic opportunities ( Bernard Lendermayer, Caterina Mariotti), presymptomatic features of HD ( Andreas Horta, Marianna Delussi), results of main pharmacological trials (Giuseppe De Michele, Elena Salvatore), new strategies in rehabilitative approach and neuromodulation (Angela Nuzzi, Monica Busse), pain (Marina de Tommaso, Wilco Achteberg, Lydia Gimenez Lyort)

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