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Chimp culture reaches new heights with

Chimp culture reaches new heights with "grass-in-the-ear" trend

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Chimpanzees are copycats and, in the process, they form new traditions that are often specific to just one group. Such are the findings of an international group of scientists, who waded through over 700 hours of video footage to understand how it came about that one chimpanzee stuck a piece of ...

Chimpanzees are cop­y­cats and, in the pro­cess, they form new tra­di­tions that are of­ten spe­cif­ic to just one group.

Such are the find­ings of an in­terna­t­ional group of sci­en­tists, who wad­ed through over 700 hours of vi­deo foot­age to un­der­stand how it came about that one chim­pan­zee stuck a piece of grass in her ear and started a new trend.

Unfortunately, Julie, the in­vent­or of the trend, died. It continued without her.

The find­ings of the stu­dy, led by Ed­win van Leeu­wen of the Max Planck In­sti­tute for Psy­cho­lin­guist­ics in The Neth­er­lands, are pub­lished in the re­search jour­nal An­i­mal Cog­ni­tion.

It was in 2010 that van Leeu­wen first no­ticed how Ju­lie re­peat­edly put a stiff, straw­like blade of grass for no ap­par­ent rea­son in one or both of her ears. She left it there even when she was groom­ing, play­ing or rest­ing in Zam­bi­a's Chim­fun­shi Wild­life Or­phan­age Trust sanc­tu­ary. On sub­se­quent vis­its, van Leeu­wen saw that oth­er chim­pan­zees in her group had started to do the same.

This aroused his in­ter­est to find out if they cop­ied what Ju­lie did by watch­ing and learn­ing from her through so-called so­cial learn­ing. The re­search team, in­clud­ing Zam­bians who mon­i­tor the chim­pan­zees dai­ly, col­lect­ed and an­a­lyzed 740 hours of foot­age that had been shot dur­ing the course of a year of 94 chim­pan­zees liv­ing in four dif­fer­ent so­cial groups in the sanc­tu­ary. Only two of these groups could see one anoth­er.

The re­search team found that only one of the four groups reg­u­larly per­formed this so-called “grass-in-the-ear” be­hav­ior. In one oth­er group one chim­pan­zee once did the same. Eight of the twelve chim­pan­zees in Ju­lie's group re­peat­edly did so. The first to copy her was her son, Jack, fol­lowed by Kathy, Mir­a­cle and Val with whom she reg­u­larly in­ter­acted. Gen­er­ally at least two of the chimps put grass in their ear at the same time. Interest­ingly, the chim­pan­zees Kathy and Val kept up the cus­tom even af­ter Ju­lie, the orig­i­nal in­ven­tor, died.

The ob­serva­t­ions show that there's noth­ing ran­dom about in­di­vid­ual chimps stick­ing grass in­to their ears, the re­search­ers ar­gue. The an­i­mals spon­ta­ne­ously cop­ied the ar­bi­trary be­hav­ior from a group mem­ber. Chim­panzees have a ten­den­cy to learn from one anoth­er – clearly a case of “mon­key see, mon­key do” in fact. Van Leeu­wen sug­gests that those an­i­mals that find a spe­cif­ic be­hav­ior some­how re­ward­ing will con­tin­ue to do so on their own, even if the chim­pan­zee they have learn­ed it from is no long­er around.

“This re­flects chim­pan­zees' pro­cli­vity to ac­tively in­ves­t­i­gate and learn from group mem­bers' be­hav­iors in or­der to ob­tain bi­o­log­ic­ally rel­e­vant in­forma­t­ion,” says van Leeu­wen. “The fact that these be­hav­iors can be ar­bi­trary and out­last the orig­i­na­tor speaks to the cul­tur­al po­ten­tial of chim­pan­zees.”

article-2675652-1F498F2E00000578-661_1024x615_large[1]Source : http://www.world-science.net/

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worldscience, "Chimp culture reaches new heights with "grass-in-the-ear" trend", MachPrinciple, July 07, 2014, https://machprinciple.com/post/chimp-culture-reaches-new-heights-with-grass-in-the-ear-trend

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