How to customize your profile?

Once you logged in you can customize your profile as you want

Edit your profile

Click on your name in the left sidebar. It will take you to the myprofile page. You can also go to the myprofile page from the right sidebar on your home page.

In the myprofile page, you can add or edit education, experience, Awards, Projects, Publiations, Skills, and languages etc.

CHange your personal information

Click on the Me button on the top right of the page. There choose the profile settings. It will take you to the edit_profile page.

You can change your First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, Occupation, Social Profile links etc. The links on the left side bar of the profile_edit page will also allow you to change your profile picture, passwords, interests etc.

Change your interest

Whenever you are visiting your home page for the first time, it will bring you to the interest page and let you choose your interests. Once you choose your interest it will automatically add some bots of those particular interest in your follower list. Your home page will get populated by the scraps from those whom you follow.

Once you are on your home page, you can edit your interest from the right sidebar by clicking on the Edit your interest button.

If you are on the mobile then you will see the **Interestbuttonton on the bottom panel which will help you to edit your interest.

How can I change my profile picture?

You can change your profile picture from multiple places.

From home page

If you are in your home page on a desktop computer then you will see a camera button in the right bottom corner of your profile image in the left side bar. Please click on the camera icon which will open a popup. You can change the profile picture from the popup.

From profile settings

Click on the Me button on the top right corner. Its true for both mobile and desktop. Click on the change you profile picture button. It will give you the option of editing your profile picture.

Why do I need to choose multiple interests?

You can see multiple posts on your scrapbook. When you are choosing some interest, will automatically select some of the bots from those particular interest and add them in your follower list. You can see the scraps from those bots in you scrapbook. Later if you follow some other person then you can also see their scraps on you scrapbook. will also show you Follow Suggestions based on your interest.

Is there any way of writing scraps that will be visible to some group of people?

At all the scraps or articles that you write will be visible to all. Those who are following you will see the scraps on their scrapbook. If someone visit your profile then also they can see the scraps that you have posted or shared or liked etc. At present, there is no way you can write personal or group scrap or article. However, we are in the process of implimenting new features. So in future, we may have option of sharing scraps with some special friends.

If you want to send a personal message to some use then use the message facility. The messages can not be seen by anyone except you and the recipient.